Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Testing.....Testing....Periods 1, 3, 5 & 8...Testing

With the mid-quarter being on Monday the 19th and the December 26th to January 2nd Holiday Recess approaching...this is prime time for an assessment.

I always marvel at the fact that students are always concerned about whether it is a test or a quiz.  Regardless of the still counts the same and has the same effect on the overall average.  So getting a 85%  on a test is the same as getting a 85% on a quiz.  Here's a well on whatever its called!

Periods 1 & 8:  Sections 4 & 5 of Chapter 2.  A review guide was handed out to each student in attendance. 

Periods 3 & 5:  Naming and writing ionic compounds.  There were two mock timed test worksheets the past two days to gear them up and get some good old training in.  They will have a total of 40 names and formulas to interpret in 50 minutes.

One final note.  Mid-Term exams are currently scheduled for January 24th - 27th, 2012.  Wow..2012 soon.

I hope that mid-quarter grades will be satisfactory for all.  All the introductory work is done and chemistry tends to get tougher during quarter 2 and continues to challenge throughout the year.

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